Women in Science

I haven't posted anything for a few weeks as I have been running up and down the country living in a field and giving presentations to my PhD sponsor.

I did manage a visit to the hairdressers (I seem to think more at the hairdressers than anywhere else, maybe its the massaging chair) which made me think back to one of my earlier posts Women in Science and the media where I had a bit of a moan about how women in science are often ignored by various 'women of the year' award type efforts in womens magazines. I never did get a response from the editor of  Red magazine ... Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to see an article in one magazine (2 page spread in fact) about L'oreals women in science award with an article that featured two proper lady scientists. It's great that a brand like L'oreal is supporting schemes like this (it does add a hint of glamour to the world of science) and its also great that the magazines are giving it some space (although I suspect L'oreal may have had to pay for the privilege). Unfortunately I can't find the article online, so I am unable to link to it, but here is the link to the L'oreals women in science website.

I managed to read two magazines in my time in the chair and I was even more surprised to see a mentoring scheme in Marie Claire which offered the services of a female scientist! Julie Mcmanus a scientist at L'oreal (it seems L'oreal seem to be pushing the boat out a bit here on promoting females in science, yey for them!) is offering to mentor one person for 6 months. I think this is a fab idea, I have learnt that mentors can be invaluable in the advice they offer  - no matter what job role you have (science or not) and I have also been told that they are incredibly useful at any stage in your career, many good managers still have mentors. Seeing a female scientist offering up her services in a womens magazine I think is incredible, I hope whoever she mentors makes full use of her! I also hope that it leads to more people getting involved with mentoring schemes!


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