
Showing posts from August, 2012

Does the PhD process need changing?

Just so you are aware, there is a conversation happening on the Nature Soapbox Blogs website and on twitter hashtag #phdelta about the PhD process and if it needs changing. There are lots of reflections, thoughts and comments coming into the debate. I have written a post about science communication and the PhD and this has sparked the question, should science communication activities be compulsory in a PhD? You can read it here . Also, I spotted this fab post about why blogging during the PhD is good and how to get started :-) Join twitter. If you need help getting started with twitter, this might be useful !

For Nails Carl Sagan Would Be Proud Of

I've started a Pinterest board for 'fashion inspired by science' you can see it here . The first thing I came across was these 'galaxy nails'. As the video says, 'nails Carl Sagan would be proud of'  I had my own bash at 'galaxy nails'. I think a little practice is needed but they do look a bit 'spacey' Galaxy Nails - Next up, I came across Jayne @cosmeticproof  who is a scientist herself. I think my favourite are these DNA nails !                                       Source: via hapsci on Pinterest Next are these intricate beauties of ' Volvox, Amoeba, Trypanosoma, Euglena and Paramecium' ! By @Fleuryrosenails                                                           Source: via hapsci on Pinterest I'm not sure my hands are quite steady enough for anything that intricate, but I might attempt