For Nails Carl Sagan Would Be Proud Of

I've started a Pinterest board for 'fashion inspired by science' you can see it here.

The first thing I came across was these 'galaxy nails'. As the video says, 'nails Carl Sagan would be proud of'

 I had my own bash at 'galaxy nails'. I think a little practice is needed but they do look a bit 'spacey'

Galaxy Nails -

Next up, I came across Jayne @cosmeticproof who is a scientist herself. I think my favourite are these DNA nails!

                                      Source: via hapsci on Pinterest

Next are these intricate beauties of 'Volvox, Amoeba, Trypanosoma, Euglena and Paramecium'! By @Fleuryrosenails

                                                          Source: via hapsci on Pinterest

I'm not sure my hands are quite steady enough for anything that intricate, but I might attempt some cell cytoskeleton/ actin inspired nails!

Put your science on your fingertips! #seemyscience


  1. these are simply amazing! I don't think my hands are steady enough either :(

    1. I know, they do require a steady hand! I need to get practicing!

  2. I saw a beautiful set of triogonometry nails here:

    Someone made a stupid comment about women needing to cheat to pass exams, which led to me writing about sexism in science, and i thought people reading the above might be interested:

    1. I just read your article (I followed the link from another site) and appreciate your sentiments. At the same time, I did have to shake the nagging feeling that you wanted some kind of recognition for your efforts on behalf of women.

      Then again, you wrote the article on your own site. Fine, an impassioned blog post about something that concerns you, written on a personal forum.

      But to post your article here, on a blog post about science-themed nails that has pretty much nothing to do with the struggles of women in science, strikes me as an odd choice.

      I feel as if you are asking for some kind of accolade because you wrote one anti-sexism piece on one personal website about a single, incredibly trivial joke (at least in the grand scheme of institutionalized sexism).

      Drawing attention to the fact that you are not a sexist is an equally aggressive gesture as the man who made a joke you strove to dismantle. It shouldn't be a big deal when a man calls out sexism--it should be normalized, in the sense that we should expect the people who attack sexism to come from both genders (and any genders in-between or outside the binary).

      I want to support your article, but in posting it here, and in the mere fact of my reading it minutes ago in Los Angeles--indicating that your writing has been picked up across the globe--it seems that you are looking for something more than the personal knowledge that you have done right by women.

      (Of course, now I will have to refrain from posting my response on Facebook, lest this cycle of external validation for one's good efforts--efforts that should be undertaken because they are morally right, not because they will bring a certain level of acclaim to oneself--continue unabated.)

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