Saying Thanks

I am just about to send my thesis to the printers and the last part I did was my acknowledgements. I still have to do my viva examination, and I will have corrections but I couldn't wait to share this (and yes, I have thanked Twitter). 

There are also many more people I want to thank for helping me along the way. I could have written about 15 pages. 


Firstly I would like to thank my Mum, Dad, sister Joanne and Grandparents for being there throughout my whole education and always supporting me even if they lost track of where I was, didn’t quite understand what I was doing or didn’t have a clue what I was trying to achieve. They have continually challenged me in many ways but have always been there for me, and explaining my work to them was a starting platform for my other passion, sharing the wonders of biology with others.

My deepest appreciation goes to my supervisor Professor Ruth Ross and my PhD collaborators at Selcia. I want to thank them for believing in me, and giving me this opportunity. Working with such talented and inspirational supervisors has made this project an absolute pleasure. To those that have helped me in the lab who are now my friends I want to say a big  thank you, especially to Lesley Taylor for all the guidance at the start of my project (and continual guidance in my life), Lauren Whyte who is always available for a chat and without whom I would never have finished the final year of my project, Daniele Bolognini without whom I would probably be a lot thinner but not as happy, to Hollie Vase who has shared the ups and downs of the whole of my PhD and also to Gemma Baillie, Irene Hunter and Lesley Stevenson for their continued help, support and chats. I also want to thank Douglas McHugh and Heather Bradshaw at the University of Indiana for offering me the opportunity to spend time in their lab, welcoming me, and supporting my project.

To the Au Science Magazine team, sharing PhD stories and advice helped me throughout the whole process, provided me with great ideas and I want to thank you for your friendship, especially Gina Maffey, Sean McMahon and Kirsty Nutt. 

Sonia Watson and Alun Hughes, thanks for being my buddies in the pursuit of evidence based thinking and the battle against pseudoscience, a welcome pastime when I wasn’t working on my PhD.
I want to thank all my friends who haven’t forgotten me despite living 500 miles away and have still offered me support throughout my PhD and my life, Sarah Harrison (Sazzle), Joanne Thompson, Gemma Craig, Claire Collins, Lara Maisey, Katie (Mc)Tween(igal) and Sophie Dunne. I wouldn’t be here and couldn’t have done this without you.  And to those friends that have welcomed me in Aberdeen, especially the Phil’s (and Ryan) thank you for all the tea, cake and fun times. 

I want to offer a thanks to Jack Dorsey for inventing Twitter, and for those on Twitter that have offered advice and support and allowed me to connect with and present my work with the rest of the world, despite living in the north of Scotland.

Finally, but not least I want to thank Ben Frizzell (friend and husband-to-be) for his seemingly never ending patience and support throughout the ups and downs of the whole of my PhD.  


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