
Showing posts with the label research activity

Reflections on 'The Art of Gathering' for those in Public Engagement

I've just finished reading 'The Art of Gathering' by Pryia Parker. It's a must read for anyone who is interested in gathering people together - for work and for social. The book made me think in lots of ways about how I gather people in my life (something I love to do) but here I am going to reflect on how it might reinvigorate some of the ways in which I approach public engagement activities and gatherings. The book isn't about public engagement, it's about gathering as a general topic but the ideas can be applied to any gathering. Not all of the thoughts in the book were completely new to me but these are the ones that I thought were of particular importance for everyone involved in creating engagement experiences that bring together the public and research. I've got to extend a massive thank you to Lou Woodley for the recommendation to read the book. The book is set out over eight chapters, which logically follow the path you take when planning a g...