Read my thesis and let's chat about sharing research
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So my thesis has been published online on the University of Aberdeen Library page. You can read it by clicking here.
It has the very snappy title 'GPR30 and ERα36 and their potential role in breast and endometrial cancers'
This is my lay abstract:
Oestrogen is a hormone that is mostly associated with the development of sexual organs and the female monthly menstrual cycle. However, it is also known to play a role in breast cancer. The presence of oestrogen can make some breast cancers grow and in the 1970s ‘anti-oestrogens’, like tamoxifen, were developed which have successfully prevented the growth of some breast cancers by blocking the action of oestrogen. Oestrogen causes this growth by binding to specific ‘receptors’ in the body. The anti-oestrogens work by blocking the oestrogen binding to the receptor. Some breast cancers do not have the receptors and therefore can’t be treated with anti-oestrogens. These types of cancers tend to be more aggressive and have limited treatment options. We know that in the lab these cancers can still respond to oestrogen, despite their lack of receptors, suggesting the presence of ‘alternative’ receptors. Two alternative receptors have been discovered; GPR30 and ERα36. This study investigates the presence and role of these two possible alternative receptors. We investigated if activating them with oestrogen could cause the cancer cells to grow and move, which is the first stage of metastasis. We also investigated these receptors in endometrial cancer which, like breast cancer, is related to oestrogen. We found the two alternative receptors present in the endometrial cancer and found that they may play a role in endometrial cancer metastasis.
If you have problems accessing my thesis please let me know.
I thought as I have blogged throughout my PhD and shared pictures and information about what I did as a research student it would only make sense to share my thesis on my blog too.
I would appreciate comments and questions but please don't tell me if there are any typos in it!!
I've also been chatting about my life as a PhD student and reflecting back on some of the problems, good times and bad times with Matthew from Errant Science. You can watch us rabbiting on about PhD life and answering some questions below... (I had a very bad cold when this was filmed!)
If you are interested in public engagement, science communication and getting your research work out there in the big wide world then we are going to have a hangout on the 5th of May (please join us!)
If that wasn't enough we did a LIVE CHAT and answered some questions about research tools, software and life after PhD's (you can see that below).
It has the very snappy title 'GPR30 and ERα36 and their potential role in breast and endometrial cancers'
This is my lay abstract:
Oestrogen is a hormone that is mostly associated with the development of sexual organs and the female monthly menstrual cycle. However, it is also known to play a role in breast cancer. The presence of oestrogen can make some breast cancers grow and in the 1970s ‘anti-oestrogens’, like tamoxifen, were developed which have successfully prevented the growth of some breast cancers by blocking the action of oestrogen. Oestrogen causes this growth by binding to specific ‘receptors’ in the body. The anti-oestrogens work by blocking the oestrogen binding to the receptor. Some breast cancers do not have the receptors and therefore can’t be treated with anti-oestrogens. These types of cancers tend to be more aggressive and have limited treatment options. We know that in the lab these cancers can still respond to oestrogen, despite their lack of receptors, suggesting the presence of ‘alternative’ receptors. Two alternative receptors have been discovered; GPR30 and ERα36. This study investigates the presence and role of these two possible alternative receptors. We investigated if activating them with oestrogen could cause the cancer cells to grow and move, which is the first stage of metastasis. We also investigated these receptors in endometrial cancer which, like breast cancer, is related to oestrogen. We found the two alternative receptors present in the endometrial cancer and found that they may play a role in endometrial cancer metastasis.
If you have problems accessing my thesis please let me know.
I thought as I have blogged throughout my PhD and shared pictures and information about what I did as a research student it would only make sense to share my thesis on my blog too.
I would appreciate comments and questions but please don't tell me if there are any typos in it!!
I've also been chatting about my life as a PhD student and reflecting back on some of the problems, good times and bad times with Matthew from Errant Science. You can watch us rabbiting on about PhD life and answering some questions below... (I had a very bad cold when this was filmed!)
If you are interested in public engagement, science communication and getting your research work out there in the big wide world then we are going to have a hangout on the 5th of May (please join us!)
If that wasn't enough we did a LIVE CHAT and answered some questions about research tools, software and life after PhD's (you can see that below).
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